Huge discrepancy

I am impressed you managed to get a reply from Samsung support :slight_smile:

Anyways, what exactly do they wish us to fix?
Do you have troubles syncing HR data to Sleep or from Sleep?
I am afraid I might have confused you before. We do not sync HR data to S Health, we only sync data from S Health. The app does not even ask for the HR writing permission (only reading).
There was some issue with duplicities, so the HR data is only a one-way flow.

Darn it you made me waste 6 months arguing with them to fix the darn he data issue that I was just getting sleep and Spo2 data :person_facepalming::rage:

Sleep sends only Sleep and Sleep phases (not SpO2 nor HR) into S Health.
Sleep can read Sleep, Sleep phases, HR, and Step count and Exercise (for #sport tag) from S Health.

S Health can read SpO2 or HR directly from most wearables. Or Health Connect can be used as a hub for all fitness and health data to sync them across various platforms.
Google Fit can too, but Google will shut this service at the end of the year

Hmm is there a way Samsung calendar can be added, I don’t use Google :grimacing:

Hi, we currently do not support Samsung calendar service.

Actually not true. Why was it working all the time in previous m9 the but all of the sudden it stopped working on the 2nd if this month all together?

Is there a way to fix it? Reactivate it? I don’t know.

Actually all that needed to be done was disconnect Google calendar from services and enable it again the just select all boxes and click upload the sync, Samsung calendar will take all info from Google drive or Google account.

We do not have integration with Samsung Calendar.
If you have Samsung Calendar sync to another service, the services will exchange the data you allow. So if you have allowed Sleep entries to be synced, you may have them in Samsung Calendar.

This is wrong. I took my ring off at 7 and forgot to turn off the app it kept running saying I was sleeping, deep sleep, rem while totally awake. What’s that fluke about.

The app can measure your sleep from the movement of your body. If the app does not have data about your movement, the results will not represent your sleep patterns.
With this little movement, the app will probably interpret is as a deep sleep. There are no REMs after 7, only awake periods+deep sleep estimated from a really low movement intensity.
The app will always try to find a pattern in the movement intensity, because it assumes you are measuring your sleep movement. The app does not see, if you are measuring properly.
This is in details explained here: I do not trust the results, it is fake / generating random data - Sleep as Android.
If you are interested in the results reliability, you can read how our results compare to SleepLab data here: How does Sleep as Android compare to the Sleep lab - Sleep as Android

If you wish to have results of your sleep, please let the app measure your body movements.
If you think the awake detection is not sensitive enough, you can increase it’s sensitivity for each awake class in Settings > Sleep tracking > Awake detection.

I guess you didn’t read the post. I DIDN’T have the ring on after 7. It was OFF and off my finger. Was on top of the table. How the heck is the app telling me I’m having deep sleep or I’m awake ( based on your movement theory ) if it’s not even on my body nor is it even MOVING? It pulled data out of thin air

Yes, I read what you wrote. I understand, that you took the ring off, so the data after 7 no longer represents your sleep patterns, because you did not measure your movement.
If you take off the ring and stop measuring your movement, the data will stop representing your sleep patterns.
If you have a body thermometer, and you turn it on and put it in a fridge, it will show your body temperature is 4°C. It does not mean the thermometer is saying you are dead. It means you did not measure the data correctly, so the analysis is ruined.

According to your last log, you have all awake classes disabled - do you still have them all disabled? Disabling the awake detection will prevent the app from detecting the awake events properly.

Uh? That example makes no sense and is irrelevant.

How on earth can an app tell me I’m deep sleeping or awake or whatever if the measuring source is off and away from me. It’s like you sit in your car that’s in the garage with the car off and keys in the trunk, you fall asleep and you wake up and you are at the parking lot of your friends house…

Explain it? Impossible

The app measures the movement, the thermometer measures the temperature.
If you do not measure your movement/temperature, the data will be off.

If there were no data at all, the app would not produce the analysis. But there were some little movement data, the ring sent.

According to your last log, you have all awake classes disabled - do you still have them all disabled? Disabling the awake detection will prevent the app from detecting the awake events properly. The app could have detect the awakes based on the sound level.

We can implement a check, whether the ring is worn or not, if the API for this feature is opened.
Otherwise, the app cannot tell if you take the ring off or not.

Sadly, the Ring device you use is a closed protocol, so the direct integration is not possible. If they share the API, we can check, if there are some sensors, if the ring is worn. There usually is, because it can stop the HR/SpO2 diodes to prevent battery drain.

What are you talking about? They are on.

You still not making sense as to WHY is the app telling me AFTER I take the ring off, stopped the tracking, put the ring on a table OFF, I’m in deep sleep or light sleep or why not. It makes 0 sense.

Are we talking about
“I took my ring off at 7 and forgot to turn off the app it kept running saying I was sleeping, deep sleep, rem while totally awake”.
from your original post,

Or are we talking about
“AFTER I take the ring off, stopped the tracking, put the ring on a table OFF, I’m in deep sleep or light sleep or why not.”
from your last post
It sounds like a little detail, but it completely changes the scenario.

Second part was a typo. Took ring off put it on a table 10secs later is off. App wasn’t touched how was it tracking if 1 I had no ring data was not being sent I didn’t have the ( record when fall asleep) option on, and I was honestly wide awake :person_shrugging:

So was the Sleep app running or not?
edit - bad wording… did you terminate the tracking in Sleep or not?

I did not terminate it.