Huge discrepancy

Did you install the Unlock app on the device?

If i paid that money I had to didn’t I?

In your last log, the app is a full version. Do you have the tracking features limited every other day (meaning the app switched to the free limited version)?
What do you see in the Left menu?

Maybe is the beta skull that has me confused. No tracking is not limited, I can track everyday. That tells me I’m life member?

Could you reinstall the Unlock app directly from the Play Store? This icon should show only for pirated versions, so probably the Unlock is not recognized.
What is the version of the Unlock?

No idea. When I go to play store just says unlock… and open

It is super strange, I agree. Please, reinstall the Unlock, and then send the report, we will check, which version of the Unlock app the main app sees.

Ahhh, I uninstalled SAA and installed it fresh from Google Store, it’s now good. I believe the issue was that you asked me to download an APK once for some reason or to check for a feature, can’t remember what it was for but you gave me a link to download that APK that looked like hacked :joy::joy:. All fine now

Hi, the pirate icon belongs to the pirated version of Unlock (which is never available outside the Play Store).
Sleep app from our app cannot be “stolen”, as it is available for free.
So most probably, the Unlock installation from the Play Store was somehow corrupted, and the Sleep main app did not recognize it.

Wouldn’t be so sure

If you wish to have a pirated version, then sure, you can find some unofficial stolen apk.
Just be aware these apks are hacked and most probably stealing your private data.

Lol I didn’t say I wanted one. I paid for a reason :person_facepalming:. What I meant is you said there was no way of getting it other than Google play and there is a bunch of places :person_shrugging:

There is no place other place than the Play Store where you can Sleep as Android Unlock.
The stolen versions are not the same, they are just called the same to trick users into installing the hacked apk files.

Ok now what the heck? When I got that hacked version ( no idea why or where from ) I could upload anytime I wanted. Now I have the legit one, Im premium and says I need to unlock? Uh?

Do you own the SleepCloud Pro version?
Since SleepCloud PRO is a cloud service, it requires a fee, so it cannot be part of the lifetime license. Only subscriptions have the SleepCloud PRO included (as they are both subscriptions).
SleepCloud free version has only one limitation - sync once per week.
SleepCloud PRO has no limitations.
Google Drive, local backup, adn DropBox are free.

Wow that is weird, the “hacked” version I had didn’t have limitations. That’s some weird stuff :person_shrugging:


Does it not sound logical, that only the subscription type of the full version has the subscription type of cloud service included?
We feel, that saying “lifetime” license and then asking for a yearly fee for the extra cloud service is shady. So the lifetime license is lifetime licence. And most users don’t even need the full SleepCloud, they are fine with the free version, or the other types of backup we have for free.

So in other words I do have full version of SAA just not full version of sleepcloud. Gotcha.

Now after about 6 months working with these ppl, this is the answer I get :person_facepalming:

You should contact them and tell them it’s rubbish what they say.