Huge discrepancy

Did you manually turn the ring off, or did you let it turn off somehow automatically (I assume it can have some mechanisms to turn off automatically when not worn)?
Do you think there might be a chance, that the ring actually did not turn off completely, so it was on and sending the data updates?
We do not collect movement data directly from the sensors, all the data we have comes from the addon. So if the ring was in fact turned off, I cannot tell where the addon got the data. Probably the support of the addon would have more data in their logs and were able to tell what was happening.
I don’t believe they are pulling the data out of thin air, so probably the “turn off the ring” did not turn the ring off, so it kept sending some data batches.

Regarding the Sleep app missing you being awake after 7 - you only have movement awake and HR awake enabled, the rest is disabled.
The movement data from the ring did not show any prominent, awake-like movements, so this one could not have been triggered.
The HR data were not available at all, so the app could not evaluate awake-like HR increase.
There seems to be increased sound level, but this had to be ignored as a sign of awake - this awake class is disabled.
Enabling the sound awake (or the other ones as well) will improve the awake detection in Sleep. Now it is very limited to two awake classes.

No the ring turns off automatically after 10 seconds, there’s no glitch that makes it turn on. You are not understanding my point. I’m not asking for data, I’m asking why did the app add data out of nowhere, it said I was on deep sleep for a huge chunk of time when I was rely wide awake, but that’s not the only issue, is HOW did it get that info. I hadn’t turn off the tracking so it was still running as if it was connected to the ring which after 7pm plus 10 seconds it was off. That’s my point here

To answer your questions:

Where did the app get the data?
From the configured source, in this case the addon for the ring (we do not have direct integration with this device).

How did the app get the data from the addon?
Via the standard wearable API.

Where did the addon get the data?
That is a question for the support of the addon. I don’t have any access to their data, and I don’t know how their side of the integration is designed.

Why is the section after 7 not marked as awake?
Because you limited the awake detection to only two sources. You only allowed movement awake (the movement was too low) and HR awake (HR data unavailable).
The rest of the awake was disabled. Disabled awake sensitivity limited the accuracy of the awake detection.

Why is the section after 7 labeled as deep sleep?
The app could not label the section as awake (explained above), so it was forced to label it as one of the sleep phases. If you look on the data progress for the section between 7-10, there was very low movement intensity, so it could not have been REM nor light sleep. This is not representing your sleep phases, because the source of the data was not your body movement.

Let me put it like this, why if I took off the source of monitoring ( ring ) and forgot to stop the tracking, there should be a configuration to stop monitoring if the source is not engaged anymore. I mean ppl are going to forget to turn it off if they haven’t set an alarm which stops the tracking as soon as you stop it. I mean could be a good option.

The addon was still sending data, so the source of the data was still engaged.
If the ring has an open API for the wear detection, we can implement it.

Trust me ring was off, takes 10 seconds. It goes off there’s no ifs ands or buts.

The addon was sending data. So the source of data in Sleep was still engaged.
Our source of data is not the ring directly, but the addon.

The manual for the ring says “it will power off automatically in a while if not connected to App”.