Huge discrepancy

This icon means a breath disturbance:
So it was recorded and acknowledged by the app.
But if the RDI is lower than 0.49, it gets rounded to zero. The RDI is index of breath disturbances per hour. Without the log, I cannot tell how many dips the app recorded.
How many dips over 4% showed the other app?
EDIT: looks like 3 significant dips on the screenshot. So 3/~7, so ~0.4? That would explain the missing RDI chart.

How about the example you posted before?
Was that the only source of SpO2 data for Sleep?
Was the math correct?

I’d have to check tonight when I sync the ring with the app.

Just a suggestion if you like to implement it is up to you but it will clear confusions, the cleaner the better. If SAA is only going to record stats ( on the top bar ) of dips or AHI which is the correct wording given during a PSG, and also in other sleep analysis app like Oscar, or RDI which is the name you guys decided to go with, that are 0.5 and above, then don’t show a O2 dip on the graph because it’s confusing.
Have it show on both places after it hits 0.5. it’s a humble suggestion, but it won’t be implemented because I’m " the only one " with such suggestion, but I’m also probably the only active person on this forum that’s alive ( maybe a handful are ) and providing real feedback on issues I see.

Again the cleaner the better.

P.S I know I’m talking as an apnea sufferer hence liking AHI over RDI. yes, RDI is more comprehensive but serves me no more info than the ones I really need. If there could be an option to select between RDI and AHI it would be fantastic.

Would it be possible to post it to the feature request forum? It will probably get buried by other replies in this long thread.
You can post it, or I can, if you wish.

Go ahead you can do it. Don’t know how to navigate this forum is confusing. So sure, go ahead, hope it gets implemented. :pray:

Sorry for the tough love. I hope you understand I want you guys tto have a robust app covering all corners as accurate as an app can be with it’s limitations :pray:

Great, done.

The Feature requests section is listed in the list of the forum’s categories (if you would need it in the future).

Hmm Samsung health not recording sleep stages from SAA. Would it be a SAA issue or SH?

What does the graph look like in Sleep? Were there more graphs from Sleep?
The total tracking duration shows 8:23, and the sleep duration shows 6:50, but somehow it makes the 1:32 awake period 100%?

Which Sleep and SH app do you have?
I have just checked my S Health, and everything looks normal, the same sleep stages are synced.

SAA 20240220

Looks like the source (a wearable?) did not provide any movement data, so there are no sleep phases for this tracking. The awakes might be either sound-related awakes, paused tracking, or phone-usage awakes.
Sleep could not report any other phases than awakes.

What is the source of the movement data? The phone’s sensors or a wearable? If a wearable, which one?

Ut oh. I turned movements off the ring. Didn’t know that was important. Will turn it on and report tomorrow. Thanks for that pointer :pray:

Encountering issues again. Why did it log 2 times the same day and in the one that it wrote any measurements the HR was cut short :thinking:. Ring was on when alarm sounded. And it logged spo2 fine. I’m confused now.

Screenshot 3+2 are of the same graph, but the last graph shows the detail on the edit page.
Screenshot 1 is probably a sleep time estimation entry added because there was no data - this depends on your configuration of the Sleep time estimate feature. The sleep time estimation feature does not measure any data, it only provides time. Without a log, I cannot tell for sure.
Is the feature enabled? If you do not wish to use it, you can disable it in the settings - so it will stop adding the sleep time estimation guesses to your data. You can find it in Settings > Sleep tracking > Automatic sleep tracking > Sleep time estimation.

The app always shows all the data it has. If HR data are missing for some period, then the app does not have the data for this period. If the tracking is done by an external addon, like in the case of the ring integration, then the addon did not provide HR data for that period. Luckily, it sent the rest of the data.

So, based on the log, the first tracking was running from 03:27:58 (manual start), but it was killed by some system optimization at 04:45:52.137. The app tried to resume many times after that, but each time the tracking was stopped by high activity peaks.
These attempts to start the tracking back went ot till 07:45:00, when the app could finally continue with the tracking till 09:00 (the last graph)
The middle graph is indeed an entry from Sleep time estimation, which you have configured for an automatic save - it was saved automatically at 09:01.

I cannot tell why we did not receive more HR data batches, either the addon stopped sending them, or they got lost. Since the phone seems to have some system optimizations active for the background processes, it is highly possible the communication between the addon and Sleep was distorted by these restrictions. Very common issue on Samsung phones, especially on higher Android versions.

That must be new with Droid because I’ve used this for the longest never encountered that error. But oh well I know now. Thanks

The sleep tracking is designed to be a persistent process in the background.

The app was killed by the system - and there is no way to prevent this on our side. This is a well-known issue on Samsung devices.
You can read more details at

Whats the point of zooming in? Just to cut parts you don’t want?

Zooming in the edit mode zooms the section, so you see more granular details, and for a more precise selection of the period you wish to edit.

I fell asleep without manually turning the tracker on but it’s setup to turn on automatically when I fall asleep but it didn’t record anything :sob:.

Why when I zoom it shows more than 1 02 event but main screen shows only 1?
