When should we start tracking?

My efficiency graphs are always 100%. I’m wondering, should we start tracking when we go to sleep, or when we lie down on the bed?
I still read in bed quite a bit before I turn off the light.

This is a good question, I would like to know too…

The app has auto-detection for as we fall asleep (though it’s not enabled by default), and that’s what I use.

If you are sure that you won’t get asleep while reading a book, then start it after you read the book. If you are not sure, start it before reading the book.

I myself use google home, IFTTT and tasker to start tracking. When I am prepared to get asleep, I just say OK google, good night and google turns off lights and starts tracking.

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Can you please share how to set up Google for that? I’ve been trying to find how to configure it, but I didn’t find anything in the documentation.

Sure thing. I just forgot to mention I also use AutoRemote for it.

It depends if you have a device such as Google Nest Hub, or if you use just a smart phone.

If you use a device, then do this:

  1. Edit the routine Bedtime in google home
  2. Add your own action there. Just write there something like “start_sleep_tracking”
  3. Make an IFTTT applet like “If you say to google home start_sleep_tracking then make a web request”
  4. Make a tasker profile that is triggered with autoRemote event that receives the message start_sleep_tracking .
  5. Make an action in tasker for it where you add Sleep as Android function for starting sleep tracking.

If you want to also stop tracking, you can do the same, just with a message such as stop_sleep_tracking.

If you use a phone. It is much easier. I just haven’t tried it so I don’t know if you have to so something special so that google assistant would run the tasker action.

  1. Edit the routine Bedtime in google home
  2. Add your own action there. Just write there something like “run start_sleep_tracking in tasker”
  3. Make action called start_sleep_tracking in tasker where you add Sleep as Android function for starting sleep tracking.

Here is an article about the tasker and google assistant: https://www.xda-developers.com/run-tasker-tasks-from-google-assistant/