Sleep tracking with Wear OS device requires a companion app installed from the Play Store on the watch.
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Sleep tracking with Wear OS device requires a companion app installed from the Play Store on the watch.
Is it possible to dismiss an alarm on the watch? If so - how? I have a Samsung Galaxy Watch5.
@William_Shipley yes sure! On Wear OS 3+ Google added a concept of ongoing notifications, they are shown either on top or bottom of the screen… in case you are tracking there is a moving graph indicator, in case of an ongoing alarm there is a animated alarm clock… just tak that icon from the watchface and you will get to the control to eaither pause / stop tracking or dismiss and snooze alarms.
If you have some troubles accessing it from the ongoing indicator you can also add a Tile to access it…
Did that help?
Yes. Thanks. Very helpful.
I found it. Thanks. I would have preferred a doze/dismiss popup on the watch when the alarm activates, but this works.
Not for me… but when I went to App settings on the watch, it gave me the option to allow notifications as well… that enabled the ongoing indicator on my halcyon
Galaxy watch 6