Votes are very limited. So I tried to remove 1 vote from some items which I voted with 2 votes. But votes cannot be reduced but only removed. This would be OK if I would be able to add 1 vote after removing all votes. But this is not possible: if I vote again then 2 votes are added again if 2 votes have been geven before. I can’t find a way to reduce from 2 votes to 1 vote.
Maybe you could increase votes in General? There are much more good ideas in the forum I would like to vote.
THIS! Honestly, why limit our votes at all? There may be many good ideas that don’t seem too popular, but that’s only because we have to be so stingy with our limited vote budgets.
And maybe there’s a problem that only affects a few people/specific options added, so only people desperate enough to get that may vote on it. Meanwhile, many of us may also want the problem fixed or feature added for the sake of those affected people, can’t vote in support because we must save it for ones only applying to us.
It breeds less community (less ability to support others), like selfishness.
When votes can only be either “yes” or “absence of yes”, putting limits on it creates an inaccurate picture of interest in an issue.
“Oh, only two people voted on this, so not many support this.”
That’s like:
“Only a small percentage of the poor buy a new car. That must mean they’re a population who isn’t interested in new cars.”
Interest and support can only be fairly gauged when there’s enough for it to actually reflect how we feel.
Besides, currently I’m out of votes, and I can’t find the things I did vote on so I can remove some of them to use somewhere else. Like, I think one or two issues I voted on got fixed, but my votes are still imprisoned on the posts. I feel stressed about it, looking through so many posts trying to find and free them, then giving up several times.
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