Using IFTTT with Alexa after Alarm and lights

I have several Alexa routines that fire after wakeup in the morning. I need several, because of some internal Alexa rules regarding routines, so I need several. I think it’s music that must be last, so you need a separate routine for news, etc. After “Here Comes The Sun,” it finishes and won’t read the news in that routine. You need another routine for news. Something like that. If you wait for the news to end, you’ll never hear the song. The news goes on a long time. The problem is that when I postpone, or rather “postpone” it in reverse to get up at 6:30 AM, for instance, I need a way, perhaps through IFTTT, to have these routines, including songs, also go to the same postponement. Is this possible? Because if you forget, it wakes you up the next day at 6:30.