Under Armour Record Connection

From Robin Markowitz on 2015/06/03 00:27:16 +0000

This umbrella app connects data from My Fitness Pal (food/calories), the entire Map My FitNess family of apps, Endomoto, and gets steps and other info from Google Fit.

I cannot successfully upload data to Google Fit; there is no setting for that. It’s on Google Drive, but doesn’t show up in the graph. I tried everything. The #sport tag does nothing in this regard.

How about just offering a direct connection to Under Armour Record? That would simplify the whole thing. You are the best auto-tracker app. No contest. (Basis is said to be good, but requires a special watch and also does not connect to Record. I prefer your app.)

This is THE biggest thing in fitness right now.

Or can we connect or upload to Map My Fitness? That’s another way.

Thanks! Enjoying the app, and it refines my Sleepmeter diary so that the times are PRECISE and not estimated. :smiley:

Copied from original feature request: http://urbandroid.uservoice.com/forums/264867-sleep-as-android/suggestions/8209389-under-armour-record-connection

From Anonymous on 2016/07/27 08:34:36 +0000

Under Armour Record is a nice app able to display information about sleep, nutrition, exercise, etc all in one place. It also has integration API's available. It would indeed be nice to have Sleep As Android connect to Under Armour Record for displaying sleep information as well as Google Fit (which it already does somewhat).