Trying to see data

Is there a way to see the health connect data? Do I need a Fitbit or o device to see it?

I cannot enable HR btw. I gave it all the permissions also downloaded the latest APK. So how to see such data.

P.S that APK is bugged. Freezes the screen, takes couple taps to open and is delayed. Freezes inside the app have to close and reopen. Thanks

Not 1 reply? C’mon now 🤷🏻

Hello, please understand, that your timezone is probably different than ours, and we sleep during the night. We really cannot reply 24/7.
Have I ever left any of your new threads or replies there unanswered? Why do you feel we are not helping you?

Health Connect is an online cloud service (owned by Google), that harbors fitness and sleep data. You do not need any wearable to have the account there. So no, you do not need FitBit device or any other device to have Health Connect.
Health Connect data can be seen within the Health Connect app.

HR data cannot be enabled at the moment because Health Connect support is having troubles switching on our requested “resting HR” data type for some reason. We are trying to resolve this with them since November, but it is not easy to pass their wall of silence and automated replies.

No one else reported freezed screens and we do not observe that on any of our testing phones. On which screens does it happen to you? What should we do exactly to reproduce it? If you reboot your phone to clear all caches, does it get better?

Will monitor the freezes after rebooting.

For some reason Samsung Health doesn’t read the SAA APK version

If you can send the logs, right after the app freezes, that would be ideal. And add to the notes, which screens froze. Do you think it was related to some edits - changing settings, editing graphs, deleting graphs…?

Which version of Sleep and S Health do you have? Did you grant the access for Sleep?
This is mine testing phone, SH version, Sleep 20240203 (230331)

Have to check when I wake up 3am here. Please respond to above graphics also these ones. What is it for? Why is blocked?

Sleep as Android Unlock is for unlocking the Sleep as Android app to the full version.
It does not send any notifications, it does not need any permissions.
So the app does not ask for permissions, and cannot ask for notification permission.

Don’t know why is not showing


Did you grant the access to the service from the Sleep app?

Found it. It was under the services tab 🤦🏻

All services are listed in the Services in our Settings - we wanted to keep them in one place.
Google Health Connect and S Health are individual services owned by different companies, so you need to grant your permissions to each of them separately. You are providing them with your personal and potentially sensitive data, so consents are required each time.
