Tracking starts on its own - Sleep as Android

Make sure you are not using automatic start of sleep tracking in Settings → Sleep tracking → Automatic sleep tracking → Start sleep tracking. You can find more information about automatic sleep tracking start here.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

This setting is off on my phone, but starts sleep tracking on its own from time to time. Especially when I sit in front of my computer and the mobile is laying on the desk untouched. When this happens my connected headset (connected to both pc and mobile) then suddenly stops transmitting sound from my pc. When i pick up my mobile i see that it is tracking sleep so i need to end tracking to get sound back in my headset from the pc.

I dont have a wearable to start the tracking either, so it seems to be happening all on its own while laying untouched on my desk.

I have a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra.

Hi @rawr,
Could you please use the Left ≡ menu → (?) Support → Report a bug, and send me the logs, ideally right after this happens?
Could you please double check, that the Phaser-related automatic tracking start is not enabled in Settings > Services > Smartlight?

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