Track lighting

From Noe Meda on 2014/10/09 07:04:53 +0000

Doing some research on the sleep cycle, I think an element that could be considered is the amount of light with which we sleep, has a close relationship with the hormone melatonin, which is essential to enjoy a restful sleep. This monitoring is carried by two different Might Sensors that most phones already have, it would be the camera taking the amount of exposure to light and slow ambient light sensor that used to turn off the screen when the phone is in call
Investigando un poco sobre el ciclo de sueño, creo que un elemento que podría tomarse en cuenta es la cantidad de Luz con la que dormimos, tiene una estrecha relación con la hormona melatonina, la cual es imprescindible para gozar de un sueño reparador. Este seguimiento se podrías llevar mediante dos diferente Sensores que la mayoría de teléfonos ya tienen, que sería la cámara tomando la cantidad de exposición de luz de la lenta y el sensor de luz ambiental que utilizar para apagar la pantalla cuando el celular se encuentra en llamada

Copied from original feature request:

From sleebus on 2014/11/28 21:10:00 +0000

Seems like this shouldn't be to terribly hard to implement as most phones already have ambient lighting sensors to adjust screen brightness.

From Petr Nálevka on 2014/10/13 16:23:17 +0000

Many thanks for your idea. This sounds interesting. We will consider it. Did you also have a look at our app Twilight which is all about melatonin and not letting you exposed to blue light before sleep in order to improve your sleep?