From Anonymous on 2016/03/20 02:56:08 +0000
Environmental data incl.
room temperature, bed temperature, humidity, indoor oxygen concentration, carbon dioxide concentration, PM2.5 level, VOC level, noise level, brightness. All these detected, recorded and represented in dynamic manners against time.
Biological data incl.
body temperature, heart rate, blood oxygen level, etc
the above said data shall start before bedtime. For example, 2hours before going to bed.
Pre-edit /pre-tagging
to allow pre-tagging, input of tag before sleep tracking starts. So that one can record his “current” status instantly.
This can be done by allowing a 2-stage start function of sleep tracking. 1st start to allow environmental, biological data recording and pre-tagging. 2nd start to allow conventional sleep tracking.
Copied from original feature request: