Supported wearables - list - Sleep as Android

I have tried both motion and sonar but I find SaA cannot reliably detect whether I am awake or asleep. I have to manually press pause to record when I’m awake. Getting this to work automatically is my priority with the app. Will using a wearable allow SaA to reliably detect awake/asleep? The table lists the 4 types of sensor (HR,HRV,movement,SpO2) which can be read. Which of these sensors actually contribute to the awake detection algorithm? I am not interested in gathering extra data for the sake of it, only in accurately detecting awake/asleep so I can record how long I’ve been actually asleep for. Thanks for any advice.

Hello Adrian, from the wearable sensors, only movement and HR are used for additional awake detection.

If you have troubles with awake detection sensitivity, go to Settings → Sleep tracking → Awake detection, where you can fine-tune the sensitivity of each awake category. The default values are chosen to work in most environments, but in some cases, some adjustments are needed. This depends on the awake-like events the app can detect from your environment.

Here in the docs, you can check the dimensions the app uses for each sensitivity level.