Strange Icon on Graph

Can anyone tell me what the icon in the highlighted section means? It looks like a little suitcase with a cross in the middle. I’ve been using this app almost a year now, along with a Samsung Gear watch, and I’ve never seen this icon on a graph before.

Hello Naddya, those new icons are part of the new sound recognition feature - an improved snoring detection, with new classes of sounds:

The one you see on your graph represents coughing or sneezing.

Thank you so much! And that actually makes sense, as I woke up yesterday with tightness in the chest and a bit of a cough.

You are welcome :slight_smile:
We are happy to hear the sound recognition works!
If you ever found a misinterpreted sound class, you can let us know - the algorithms are still learning, so any feedback is appreciated.

Nice feature.