Statistics - Sleep as Android

Each row in the Stats screen shows day-aggregated Duration, Deep sleep and Snoring. The aggregate is calculated from all tracked sleeps - let’s call them Graphs in the further text - which belong to the same day.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

What does different icons means, for example :black_circle:, battery icon and other icons which are visible on graphs?

Hello, all the tags and image icons are explained in the chapter Tags (

What are the symbols down the sides ie. Canada, 7X, 3x, a symbol of a house a picture of a phone says 7x, a full moon and others

Hello Pete,
the symbols in the Stats (bellow Sleep Score board), shows you the frequency of use of tags. This table shows you how many times each icon tag was used and what are the main characteristics of sleep sessions tagged with that icon.
Canada (or any country of user’s location) shows you the average for your region.

The link “Graphs” is broken here:

Where can I find an explanation of what graphs show exactly what and how to best read them?

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Hello Giny, you can find graph eplanation either in the documentation:

or directly from any graph - tap on (?) button in top right corner and select “Documentation” option.
For understanding the Trends and Charts graph, you can again visit the documentation:

or go directly from the app in Charts / Trend section under (?) button

Hello, I tapped the help icon right above the Night Owl graph to get help but there’s no explanation as to what that graph means. Can you please tell me what it represents? What is “Night Owl 1 (month)”? What is “mid sleep hour”? I’m getting a notification with the owl and there’s no way to dismiss it, so it’s kind of annoying, especially if I have no idea what that means.
Any explanation will be much appreciated.

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I’m sorry I cannot answer that bc I am still learning too. I was wondering if you might know or anyone can tell me how can you delete a sleep session? I started 1 by accident and over tried Everything but no way to delete it… that i can find?? Thank you!


Hello Mary,
you can delete it directly from the graph - in the top right corner in the (⁝) menu → “Delete”, or if you need to delete some older graphs, open the list of graphs from the Left ☰ menu on the main screen → Graphs, and then long-press on the graph you need to remove. From the menu then choose “Delete”.
Just do not confuse it with “Delete older than…” which allows you to remove all older graphs.

Hi there, I am looking at the “Deficit Chart” but I am unsure what it represents exactly.

The red deficit line on the graph is rapidly decreasing and is in the negative value now. Around -3 hours to date.

Does this mean the sleep deficit has decreased or increased?