Sleep Assistant - Sleep as Android

The new Sleep Assistant helps you better understand and interpret your data for deeper insights. It uses artificial intelligence to summarize, explain, and interpret your sleep data in natural language. It helps you see connections, trends, weaknesses, and strengths in your sleep qualities.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

So… Your AI is insisting on telling me to sleep less even after I have told it not to do that. I am disabled and chronically ill and also sleeping a perfectly normal 8.5 hours a night, and the AI is telling me that I should try to be sleeping an hour less each night??? Not great y’all.

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Hi @b_j, what is your ideal sleep duration configured in the app?

I’d like to ask the AI a couple of questions about my sleep, but it only allows me ask one question at a time. Would it be possible in the future to ask at least 2 or 3 questions to the AI?

how do I turn this shit off
there’s nothing i can do in the intent firewall, there’s no options, all i can do right now is use AFWall to break this shit

How do I turn it off

Hi @BurnerWah, the Sleep Assistant is only active when you are using it. If you do not use it, it is not enabled. The Assistant is only active when you activate it, so there is no turn-off button for a feature, that is not active.
The Assistant card can be simply swiped away.

May I ask why are you so against an optional feature? The app does not share any private data. It only helps users interpret the graphs and results.

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it’s a GeNeRaTiVe ArTiFiCiAl InTeLlIgEnCe feature

I need no further reasoning

A feature you don’t like might be useful for others. We do not want to maintain a set of apps with different subsets of features, so new features are implemented into the Sleep app, and it is up to the users, if they wish to use them or not.
If you won’t use this feature, nothing has changed for you.


Hello @evennight many thanks for your feedback. There are two reasons for this limit. I fact we have tough hard whether we shall allow any follow up questions at all when designing this but then decided to allow one question, to overcome this limitation you may again ask another predefined question which will give you another follow up… BTW what follow up questions would you typically ask. This is very interesting for us to know to make this feature better

  1. We need to really limit the AI in answering ideally by predefined quations so mitigate the risk of any errors the AI tells you … e.g. the notorious “glue your pizza together example” with one follow up question which is define as only related to your sleep we hope to minimize such risks

  2. Of course this also a question of the quota, we cannot give unrestricted access to a pro LLM model as every request means cost for us… so the idea is in the first few weeks we will see how is this feature used how well we are getting into the quota limits and based on that either extend or restrict the follow up quetions

Did that answer your question?


@b_j sorry for the issues. Could you please use menu > Support > Report a bug and I will investigate the problem…

Thanks for the answer. All I wanted to ask the AI were questions about definitions, like “What does ‘awake at night’ mean?” and further explanations. I think it wouldn’t hurt if you limited consequential questions to two or even three, if it’s a pro-exclusive feature. I like this feature, by the way. Great job:)

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From these comments, you can see how much people depend on your app.

I’ve chatted with you, and your staffers, about bugs and feature requests, for years now. In addition, I’ve purchased every sleep gadget that has been offered.

No other Sleep app holds a candle to Sleep as Android, and I have some more feedback. I’ll leave it here, rather than in-app submission, because it could warrant some discussion:

The Assistant was stymied, when I prompted about comparing the App’s sleep reporting to Wearables’ direct reporting.

For example, my Garmin Epix 2 Pro is linked and communicates with SaA (without needing the “alternative” addon). However, the Garmin’s sleep graphs report far different sleep cycles. My Deep Sleep, according to the Garmin’s reporting, only occurs within the first half of my sleep sessions. According to the device, the rest of my night is spent in REM, Light Sleep, or brief spikes of Awake. Last night’s Sleep Score is a 93, on the App, while the Garmin reports a 77.

Perhaps through distinguishing N1-REM instances, Sleep as Android reports regular cycles of Deep Sleep throughout the whole night. This highlights the differences in algorithms that determine the cycles as both the device and App are working through the same base data HR, HRV, Pulse ox, etc.

It’s difficult to discern whether users’ Wearables, which they depend on for all-day data (or just all-night) should be trusted, when comparing the App’s -vs- Wearables’ sleep reporting/graphs.

My feedback is to train the generative model further on the nuances of how the same input data can produce vastly different sleep graphs. Naturally, you’d need to balance this with protecting proprietary algorithms.

Like most users who pair Wearables with the App, the first thing I see in the morning is my sleep reporting on my phone, and then my Garmin watch.

Explaining the nuances of wildly different sleep reporting is an excellent opportunity for the new Assistant to shine. Disseminating these complicated calculations, especially in a concise (think ELI5) concept, showcases the potent lifestyle value of Sleep as Android and the power of its Assistant feature.

Thanks, Petr :zzz::sleeping_bed:

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@lenka-urbandroid My sleep duration goal in the settings is at 8 h 30 m.

@petr-urbandroid I can report it but I don’t really think this is a bug. This is just generative AI being generative AI. It has no place giving people health advice.

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@b_j I think this isn’t about generative AI, we use generative AI in a different way, first we feed the sleep score data, but we also explain what are expected ranges, what may be too low etc… and we basically use generative AI only to generate a human understandable summary of all the data we have provided. This is a very constraned approach and we hope to minimize any error caused by the generative AI this way… so what I wanted to check from your report is what prompt are we generating to see if we can improve on our end…


@evennight many thanks, I think we do not give it enough context to correctly answer the awake question … we will elaborate on this…

Hello @REM … many thanks for your suggestion. At the moment we do not use our own model, but we utilize Google’s Gemini LLM model.

But I think the differences you see in the data may step from the fact that there isn’t any standard way how differentiate between light sleep / deep sleep - where different vendors place the division line.

This is summarized in detail on this article on our website:

Not sure if and how an AI model could solve this.

Thanks, Petr.

I use their Gemini v1.5 Pro 0827 model for work, although I’m not sure which Gemini model Sleep as Android implemented.

The trainability of this model is strong. If not already in-progress, training the LLM on the wealth of knowledge from your blog articles empowers the Assistant to articulate in different ways. Users can then prompt the Assistant to explain in a way they know how to best understand and retain.

@petr-urbandroid that’s unfortunately not how generative AI works. you can’t constrain it in the ways you are seeking to.

Can this data be sent over MQTT or some other way I’d like daily briefing sent to Home Assistant could be awesome to TTS this in the morning