Show threshold in recorded data

I track the noise at night to see if I’m talking or snoring.
You give the option to set a threshold in % but I can’t figure out which is the best value easily.
So I think it would be great, if You could show the threshold in the recorded data, so I can see where I reached the threshold and can easily check if it set right.

Greetings and thanks for the great app!

Hi, many thanks for this request – there are several ways you can do a recording test:

  • on the noise graph, there are always short lines at the times where recording was triggered.

    So you see where the noise was over threshold right away. If the recording was not triggered too often, you can raise the bar.

  • on the sleep tracking screen, you can see the microphone input level, and the red light next to it lights up whenever it’s over threshold.

  • we are also thinking about adding such indicator right to the settings screen under the threshold slider

Hey Jiri,

Thank You very much for Your reply.
What I meant is something more like this:

So I can exactly determine, which sound did trigger the recording.

Best regards,


Oh okay, you mean in the noise records themselves. We’ll discuss the idea, many thanks!