Set max individual snooze duration

love your app.
I’d like to suggest the following feature:

Option to set an alarm’s maximum snooze duration per individual snooze instead of total snooze time only.

This would bring the benefit for sleep-addicts like me of preventing long snoozes and thereby falling into deeper sleep again.


you can disable the snooze selection (Settings → Alarms → Snooze → Changing snooze time), so the alarm only has one snooze duration available on the alarm screen.
Or enable Halve the snooze (*Settings → Alarms → Snooze → Halve the snooze), and the app will halve the available max snooze each time you snooze.

thank you for your reply.
i didnt notice the “allow changing snooze time at wakeup” option, since it is only in global settings not in individual alarm settings.