Samsung Galaxy Ring Integration

Hey there,

is there already some information on a possible Samsung Galaxy Ring integration?
Since the Samsung watches mostly worked, I’m kinda hopefull, that we will be able to get the ring working as well.

I know the unpacked event has just started, but since there was no topic about it yet, I wanted to give it a try.
I will probably also try to contact Samsung to look into an Integration with Sleep as Android.

For me personaly, the Sleep as Android integration would be the killer app to switch away from Oura.

Kind regards and thanks for the great app,


Hi @crany, we are afraid Samsung will not open the sensors for real-time data reading. Since all the current rings at the market are closed, they will probably go the same way as the competition.
I hope I am wrong! If there will be an API, we will be more than happy to add the Ring to our supported wearables.

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Just a quick update on my feedback/request to Samsung.

I asked them whether they can share information about how the API will be managed in comparison to the watches, and if precise real-time data will be accessible. Additionally, I provided them with a link to this thread and a brief description of the available API from Sleep as Android for integration purposes (without providing a full API with all data to everyone).

They informed me that they have forwarded this request to their developers in Korea. However, I will not receive any updates regarding this matter.

Samsung support is sometimes secretive…
If they decide to publish the API, it will probably be announced in the media, so fingers crossed, we would like to see this happening.

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