SAA Lifetime purchase - restore?

Hi there,

Haven’t used SAA in a while and am now wondering how to restore my lifetime purchase with my new phone.


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Hi @SleepAsAngie, which type of purchase do you have?
There are two type of purchases on Play Store - one is a stand-alone Unlock, and one is the in-app purchase.
Each of them has a different way of being recognized, so they have a different way of restoring.

But before you start, please consult our backup guides to make sure you don’t lose your sleep history.

For a separate app Sleep as Android Unlock

  • Please make sure you have installed both Sleep as Android as well as Sleep as Android Unlock. Check the version, it needs to be the last version from September, 2024906.

  • If not, go to the Google Play Store and download Sleep as Android Unlock again - as long as you use the same Google account you purchased with as your primary account in Play Store it remembers your purchases and you should be able to download again.

  • If you are unable to download it (you see a price instead of a download button), please go to the Play Store on your computer and see if you can download it there.

For in-app purchases Sleep as Android

  • In-App Purchases are notoriously buggy on Android, especially if you have more than one account on your phone.

  • The problem is that in-app purchases are always associated with a specific account, and if the app to which the in-app belongs is installed under a different account on your phone (or under multiple accounts at once), it won’t be recognized. We consider this to be a bug, although it is a logical one, not a technical one.

To ensure that the in-app unlock is recognised correctly, do the following

First, we’ll remove Sleep as Android from the wrong account.

  1. Uninstall Sleep as Android (make sure that your data are backed up first! See backup guide)

  2. Launch the Play Store app on your phone, go to the menu > Manage apps and devices, then click on the Manage tab.

  3. Find Sleep as Android in the list (switch to alphabetical order for easier searching)

  4. Remove Sleep as Android by tapping the cross button.

  5. If you can’t find Sleep as Android in the list, you’ll need to switch to a different account in the Play Store app. Then repeat the above steps.

Now that Sleep as Android has been removed from your account, we’ll add it to the correct account.

  1. In a browser on your computer (not on the phone), go to

  2. Make sure you are logged in with the account you used to make the in-app purchase.

  3. Click install

The app should now download and install on your phone under the correct account and recognize the in-app purchase correctly.

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This is my purchase

Did you purchase the item from the link in the app, or directly from

Can’t fully tell anymore, it’s been a while, but I think in the store? Looks like the to date offer has changed - isn’t it recognisable from how it’s called?

The name is not important, the type of the purchase is important.
If you have the Unlock type and sign in to the Play Store with the account, that holds the purchase, you will see the “Install” button. If you do not see the install button, you probably have the in-app type (or you are not signed with the account tied to the purchase).

So both purchasing options would be called lifetime in the play purchases?

The play store purchase version still shows the price to buy as if I wouldn’t own it.
And I only ever used one SAA account - which is the one I’m also using now.
How would I spot on the app that it’s recognized the lifetime purchase?

This depends on the purchase date, the name of the full version had to be changed a few times during the 13 years.

In the Left ≡ menu at the top, the full version has a crown icon, so the unlocked version shows “Sleep as Android :crown:”. The full version also has no ads, and no news card showing the countdown to the end of the trial.

Sweet, that’s the case! That’s so unobtrusive, I didn’t even notice.
Was searching for some kind of profile info or so for those details.

If the app misbehaves, ideally let us know to
Enjoy the rest of the weekend and take care!