Question about polar verity sense and RR intervals


First of all, thanks for providing this awesome app, for a relatively low price compared to what’s available out there.

I’m trying to live a healthier life, and your app does a great job on the sleeping aspect of it. But I’m also getting into fitness and running, and would like to track my HRV using HRV4TRAINING.

The thing is, this app does not support the Verity Sense for reading HRV, the dev told me that the verity sense does not send RR intervals. But I know that you managed to do it, and I wanted to know how you did it, if it’s possible of course.

He’s guessing the following :

"My guess is that the other app you are using is accessing the raw PPG signal, like we do with the camera, and then processing that signal to extract RR intervals and compute PPG. This can be done via Polar’s SDK, but it becomes a custom integration with that specific sensor, while we use a standard Bluetooth heart rate protocol that most sensor implement. I suspect Polar didn’t implement this functionality to avoid it being misused, as with an optical sensor, any movement or muscular activity will cause the data to be garbage, and only while being perfectly still, optical data can be used for HRV analysis "

Is this guess true, or is there another simpler way maybe?

Anyway, maybe you have other more important things to do, but I wanted to ask, maybe I’ll help the wearable community :slight_smile:

Thanks again for your work,

Kind regards,


Hello @Slein

many thanks for your feedback…

Please see a related issue from the Polar SDK forum which explains the problem.

The problem is IMHO more terminological then actual. The post explains that technically speaking RRI only makes sense on ECG devices like the H9 and H10… as it is based to electric signal. But an equivalent optical signal which may be retrieved from OH1 and Verity Sense etc… is PPI - pulse to pulse interval…

It may be considered less precise, but there are several studies showing comparable results from both in specific use-cases…

So to conclude. Maybe devs at HRV4Trainer have a high data quality bar and thus only want to rely on RRI. In this scenario they are limited to H9 and H10 devices…

We have decided to implement our HRV features based on both RRI and PPI so we can support more Polar devices and also do HRV analysis on many more arm-Wearable devices out there…

Did that explain the matter?

Many thanks!


Alright, thanks for taking the time, that explains it well. I’ll link them the thread.


HRV4Training supports Scosche rhythm24 though. It’s similar to the Polar VS. You might want to check it out.