Plz Look into Fitbit's New API Intergration as both Apps Data can change Sleep forever! HR Movement, Detection & Sonar!

From ReviewerQueen on 2017/10/01 16:05:29 +0000

I have Android Wear smart watches but do not sleep with them on. Only my Fitbit HR 2, Alta Hr or Jawbone Up3 I wear at night to my track sleep and heart rate. I know as Part of theFitbit Testing program they should be or already have released a New Api App Intergration so most Apps can start to use their sleep, movement, Auto Sleep Dection & of course heart rate data! As my other wearables are too heavy and bulky to wear at night and must be charged at night anyways. I would love if you can also add the ability to import data including skeep and heart rate from Other Apps until more App intergrations are done. I currently use an app that imports my Fitbit Steps Heart rate Sleep Data & more but does cost into Samaung Health and Google Fit for me everyday. Its called Fit & Healthy by Jason Lo on Android App Store and highly recommend data import/
Fitbits new API releases as combined with this Sleep App Data will change sleep knowledge more then ever and more companies will want to intergrate your sonar technology as its amazing!

Copied from original feature request: