Please galaxy watch3 support

Any new update on this issue? Have had the same issue since I purchased the app. With a Samsung galaxy 3 watch.

Hello @vegovs, there are more issues discussed on this thread, can you please describe what is exactly happening?

The issue is that the watch seems to be disconnecting. I have had this problem since I purchased the app last year. Samsung Galaxy S9 with Galaxy Watch 3. Everything is updated.

I’m having this same problem reported in this topic. From what I read here there is no solution at the moment for the galaxy watch 3?

Found solution yesterday!
First of all - remove restriction in background use, follow for that.
In Apps list, tap Your apps and check “Show system apps”, click “ok”, then find Bluetooth-battery- set unoptimized.
After 4 month of bad sleep, my tracking finally works.

@Alexander_Storm big thanks for sharing this, what a pitty OEMs are still killing user experience with their dummy app killing :frowning: