OnePlus Watch 2 (Wearable Integration Request)

Via this message I would like to request an integration of the latest OnePlus Watch 2 wearable smartwatch using wear os 4.

Currently whenever using sleep as android it doesn’t recognize the sensors properly. The heartrate monitoring works inconsistently.

Even after trying out different settings (choosing different Wearable profiles and even using the DIY).

Hopefully the OnePlus Watches can be included to the list.


I also really hope it will be made officially compatible. I chose the OnePlus Watch 2 for several reasons, but one of the big ones was that I believed that since it’s a Wear OS watch it would be compatible with Sleep As Android.

After my TicWatch died I noticed that I was waking up groggy. When I finally landed on the OnePlus Watch 2 I was expecting that the App would track the sensors and wake me up at the appropriate time, but I was still really groggy.

This watch is unique. My biggest fear is that since the watch has 2 CPUs and 2 OS’s running on it that there won’t be a way for the app to accurately read the sensors.

Urbandroid, if you’re reading this, please spend a little time looking into this. I can’t live without you guys anymore!

Hello @Wes_A and @kilian102201 … in general all Wear OS watches should be supported by Sleep as Android with all features. The only exception is HRV and SPO2 as RR interval / SDNN / SPO2 sesnors are not standardized on Wear OS and every vendor does it differently and in many cases they do not even make those sensors available to 3rd parties apart from Mobvoi Tic Watch as there sensor support is excellent - TicWatch is a model case for other vendors how to do sensors properly… see my article on this at We finally have a new king of smart watch! - Sleep as Android

I have recently purchase the Xiaomi Watch 2 because SPO2 sensor did not work well for users only to learn there are two SPO2 sensor interfaces on the watch. One which never provides any data third parties and other with cryptic values and even trying hard to make some sense of the numbers provide - I expected those are probably raw data from the sensor leds I was not able to convert those values to SPO2 %…

I made a similar experience with Samsung Galaxy Watch 4… bought the watch only to learn that Samsung is hidding SPo2 sensor behind a permission availabkle only to Samsung system apps.

So regarding 1+ watch, I could buy the watcha and test it, but honestly I do not think this will change anything… as i will probably just see what is happening any any chance to change it.

What I can do is for instance when @kilian102201 would share a log from Sleep as Android, I can see what sensors are present on the watch and if our fuzzy sensor name matching did work in this case or didn’t…

But if a plain HR data are missing than there is probably something fundamentally wrong. 1+ has a long history in battery optimization and app killing as descibed here Oneplus | Don’t kill my app! and if they decide to kill a long running process like sleep tracking we cannot do much about it…

Did that help?

If @kilian102201 would provide more details, we can at least make some assumptions…

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