Noise Recordss Not Added

Last night there were 30 noise records but the ‘Snoring’ score badge was missing and no records were showing on the Snoring chart.

Hello David, are the records marked with the snoring labels in the list of Noises? Not every sound the app records is snoring.


Thank you for your reply.

It just shows 30 records and states ‘Noise 16%’ above the trace.

Not sure what the snoring label looks like?


OK, just checked previous records and you are right 16% noise but no ‘zzz’ labels.

And do you think it should have been labeled as snoring? You can try increasing the Snoring sensitivity in Settings → Sleep noise analysis → Sound recognition → Snoring. Do not toggle all sensitivity at once, try increasing one at first, and let’s see if it helps.
If the app is recording too many irrelevant noises, you can try increasing the recording threshold - this will help filter quieter sounds. The default works in most environments, but each environment has unique acoustics, so some adjustments might be needed.


OK, understood - thank you.