Nocturnal schedule

From Richard Robertson on 2015/04/16 17:33:43 +0000

I work at night and sleep during the day with few exceptions. The graphs and charts in the app are centered around sleeping at night and it makes it difficult to read.

Copied from original feature request:

From N on 2015/09/03 08:56:08 +0000

Richard, I sleep typically in the afternoons and work overnight. Under misc settings I changed my sleep cutoff time to noon so that maps after work count as the same day. Make this would help you?

From Matt Porter on 2015/05/17 09:51:12 +0000

I can relate. I work from 730p to 630a, and the charts do display funny. I sleep typically from 9a to 4p.

I am willing to provide a screens hot if necessary.

The graph would help if it adjusted to this automatically by having 12noon as the center point of the graph.

Also another idea would be to have the bar automatically translate to the next day.
My meaning is that on my days off, I do switch my sleep schedule to a normalis daytime routine to spend more time with family.
What if it were possible to switch the center point of the graph from 12a to 12noon, but then at times that we can sleep at night, make the graph bar translate to the next day automatically???

I hope what I am describing makes sense. Please feel free to email me and discuss