I’ve been sending bug reports since yesterday, both from the app and from my e-mail client, both to info@urbandroid.org and to urbandroid.info@gmail.com and I get no response at all, not even the auto-confirmation. What is going on?
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Hi @mmoni, do you see the emails in the Sent folder in your email client? I have just tested and all my reports were delivered to the inbox. There are also emails from other users in my support inbox.
Could you please try again?
I’ve just tried resending the report. I can see the messages in my sent folder, and also I tested the server by sending them to my other e-mail and I received them without any problem.
Hi, I sent you a DM, use the email address for sending the report. Thanks!
I have the same issue. Have sent follow-up with no reply
For what it’s worth, I’ve been submitting regular bug reports and getting extremely timely replies, so it’s not happening for all users. Thank you for the great support!