New Tab Menu - Move Tabs Around

Hi thanks for all the years of great updates. I like the new Tab home screen a lot! It would be great if we can move the tabs to put the dashboard first. If that ability exists, I couldn’t find it. Having alarms first isn’t useful to me and I would move that to the last tab if I could. It does seem to return to the same Tab when you reopen the App? Not sure.

Hello, big thanks, I’m adding this to our TODO list. Would parsisting the last used tab be a solution for you?

Yes that would do the trick!


This is now in latest BETA version. Please let me know how it works for you…

Please first join our BETA Testers group at:!forum/sleep-as-an-droid
That you can opt-into the BETA at the following address:
Or simply by visiting our Play Store listing and tapping “Join BETA”

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Thanks very much! It works great and as I wished. I prefer a cleaner look on my dashboard and now I have quick access to other tabs if needed.


Great news… big thanks!