New Snooze/Dismiss Screen

I would love a different snooze/dismiss screen, more similar to the stock Android clock; where you swipe up to dismiss and swipe down to snooze.

You can still require holding on the up swipe to dismiss (similar to how it is now) and you can still have some buttons on the bottom to select a longer snooze time.

Hello, many thanks for your suggestion. The reason why we did avoid this so far is because the alarm screen is so critical we only want to use components we can 100% reply on they will work well on different devices/ screens etc… Also we do not want to make sure all users will immediately know how to use such component - otherwise we risk a lot of swear words in our mailboxes.

In fact there is no standard swipe snooze / dismiss component on Android, so we would need to develop one, or reply on 3rd party libraries which is not ideal for such a critical screen.

If the problem with this screen is you may dismiss you alarm by accident you can always use the feature to long press to dismiss or use a CAPCTHA which is greatly recommended…