More Vibration setting I need

I use silent alarm and interval of the vibration is very long and intensity is not that enough to notice it while I using earplugs for sleeping.

Hello, we use gradual vibration. So second we vibrate after 30 seconds than 20 seconds than 15 seconds and so on till vibrations become continuous and strong…

We believe that this type of gentle increase in intensity which we use for vibration and sound is ideal as it allows us to find the lowest necessary stimulus to wake you up…

Petr, is the vibration intensity something that the app controls, or is it hard-set by the phone? I’m suspecting the latter, which would mean that users needing the vibration also need to have a mechanical connection to the phone — on an adjacent table wouldn’t provide that, and many mattresses are designed to absorb such vibrations so they won’t be felt.

@kma in the API we can just set the duration of vibration not intensity…

I had a feeling so, given how the vibration mechanism works in the hardware. I am guessing from original poster’s phrasing that he relies on the sound of the phone vibrating against the bedstand, and can’t hear it through his earplugs. Probably the best solution to recommend is to put the phone somewhere where he’ll be able to feel it, rather than trying to listen for it. Or to put it onto an upside-down empty container that’ll amplify the vibration sounds.