Minimum sleep duration alarm

I wish to be able to set a alarm that has a variable wake up time, where instead it won’t wake me up until I have passed the minimum number of duration hours asleep.

This is because I value my sleep greatly but sometimes struggle to fall asleep or simply go to bed later then I should, and would rather be late to appointments and rested, rather then on time but exhausted and unable to concentrate due to a lack of sleep.

Once the minimum duration has passed, then it is up to the smart wake up period as to exactly when the alarm should go off.

So basically, I want to aim for getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night, and I do not care for what time of day it is that I wake up, as long as I get those 8 hours.

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An alternative seems to kind of already exist but not really. I came across the “Not before sleep goal” setting for smart wake up, but the description for that says it will still take the alarm time into account, which is what I do not want.

Perhaps the option could be to not set an alarm time, and instead pick to be woken up not before the sleep goal is met.

Have you tried the Sleep Duration Alarm? You can add a widget that when you tap it, it begins sleep tracking and begins an alarm. That alarm only goes off after a targeted, say, 9 hours (or whatever the sleep goal is) once sleep tracking begins. You can also connect that to a smart light, so instead of a harsh alarm, the Sleep Duration Alarm will trigger a simulated sunrise. The same alarm can also be a smart alarm if you wanted to turn that feature on.

I’ve never heard of a sleep duration alarm, but it does sound like exactly what I want. How do you create one though? As I can’t find any way in the app itself.

Yeah, there are a lot of settings to go through. I’m not sure exactly right now (I’m not home). You need to set your sleep duration goal in settings and then use the sleep duration alarm.