MI Band 6 and SpO2 monitor

Now that the MI Band 6 has its own SpO2 monitor will it be added as a wearable option for pulse oximeter readings?

Hello @starrynezz, unfortunately Mi Band does not report SPO2 data… we can only get raw input from the RED/IR LED… we made several measurements with a SPO2 oximeter as a golden standard and compared it to the led input to find some reliable way to calculate SPO2, but did not yet succeed… hopefully we will do some further attempts later on…

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Thanks for the reply @petr-urbandroid . The MI Band 6 added SPO2 as a new feature. Do you mean that you tested with the newest MI Band but the way they take SPO2 readings it doesn’t work with your code?

Maybe the developer for notify for mi band can make it work, we’ll have to ask him

Hello folks,

let me explain in details:

  1. Mi Band is a closed system and integration is possible only because of heroes like Matteo of Notify & Finess and Zdenek Horak of Tools & Mi Band… They sniff the hex code and find the hidden interfaces in that mess…

  2. Even Mi Band is able to track your SPO2 data and show them in the app, there does not seem to be a method which would provide SPO2 so that Tools or Notify apps could read it…

  3. Still Matteo of Notify & Fitness was abel to get at least raw LED data from the SPO2 sensor - there is still a long way to go to get SPO2 % from the intensitity of the light signal on the sensor…

  4. So we cooperated with Matteo - he prepared a special version of Notify with the raw data collection and we have tracked SPO2 using a second device compatible with Sleep as Android and compared the raw data from Mi Badn with the SPO2 values from the other device in a hope to find a reliable function to get SPO2 data from the raw LED data…

  5. It is quite a cumbersome task as you can see there are lots of thinks which can go wrong and although having maybe an hour of data we have not been able to find a reliable way to determine the SPO2 % from the raw LED signal yet :(…


Thank you for going into detail. Makes way more sense, I really appreciate it.

Hi, sorry for the necroposting, but may I know if that has gone well? If it is really impossible to read the live data, maybe you can still allow notify to update the sleep record with spo2 data AFTER the sleep since notify does know how to read the processed data from the band, or even better, get the spo2 data at an intervel from notify. From my observation, if the miband is actively tracking spo2, notify can fetch very recent data.

@Perry_Mok sorry… :frowning: we tested this with a berry med oximeter as a reference and tried standard algorithms to get SPO2 values from the sensor data, but the results just were to way off so we gave us

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Hi! Anything new since last year on this topic?
(Also sorry :sweat_smile: just got notify and sleep by Android setup and I’m in “improve, and get as much working data as possible” mode)

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