Losing connection with Garmin 965

Detailed description of the problem:
I have tried everything, but I still lose connection from watch to phone most nights. I am giving up on sleep as android. It is a shame. I have been using the app for more than 5 years with a galaxy watch and recommend to several people. Now that I have a garmin watch for 4 weeks I cannot make it work.
Please tell me how to fix it.

Steps to reproduce:
Just use garmin 965 several nights. It will work less than 50% of the time.

Version of Sleep as Android:
Phone app 20231023
Watch app 20231129

Hello, please join BETA, where there are a few new fixes for Garmin integration (https://docs.sleep.urbandroid.org/faqs/get_beta.html).
Also, make sure that all involved apps (Sleep, the addon, Garmin starter, Connect app, and Bluetooth) are all excluded from the system restrictions, and allowed to run in the background (https://dontkillmyapp.com/).

All don’t kill my app I have done.
Will try the beta.
Is there beta for the garmin watch app?