How to read sleep graphs - Sleep as Android

The graph screen shows up to three graphs:

Graph screen also shows statistics about your night, along with an option to rate and annotate the record.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

The summary shown after waking and stopping tracking used to show how long I slept. Please bring this back! It is really the only thing I want to know and seems obvious, but it is now gone! It would also be nice to see the overall sleep deficit, etc. The newer summary is insufficient.

Did you dismiss this card by mistake?

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Hi @James_Hendrix, could you please check, if the “Hide stats before rating” is not enabled (Settings > Personalized > Morning screen)? This feature hides the stats on SleepScore card.

i am new to this app and the sleep data is so confusing when you look deep into it. I mean, the first night it gave me a sleep score of 99% so that should be good but i dont understand all the graphs and statistics.

Hi @mugen4u, could you please share the graph, so I can walk you through the results? Or you can contact directly
You should see:

  • The sleep score board with statistics (explained in details in the SleepScore chapter)
  • Hypnogram - showing sleep phases progress in time
  • Actigraph - showing movement intensity in time
  • Noise graph (if Sleep Noise Analysis is enabled) - showing the noise level, and sound classes detected with the icons
  • Sensor graphs (depending on the data available) - could be Heart rate, HRV, SpO2, Respiratory rate

i doubt the results are reliable because it says i had about 65% deep sleep.

If you have an unusual amount of deep sleep, the sensor has troubles reading your movement - either the phone is too far away, or the data set has gaps. Which sensor do you use? You can use the Left ≡ menu → (?) Support → Report a bug, and send the application logs, I will check them on Monday.
You can read our post about our method and results reliability on our blog here.

if i am correct, my smartwatch registrated everything and not my phone. i installed the program on my phone and smartwatch and started recording on my watch (and automatically started on my phone after that).

Hi, for some reason, I did not find your logs in the support inbox. Could you please send them again? You should get an automatic reply as a confirmation.
We do not have any access to our users data.

I’ve been a long time user and i use my smartwatch as well. Upload your results as requested and these fine folks will help ensure you have everything set up for optimum results, and they will help you understand all the data.

This app is very powerful, many many features that are quite useful for some like me who have severe sleep issues. Part of the journey is fine running things for your hardware and use case.