Google assistant new wellness integration

Google assistant got a new feature that tells you your last night’s sleep when you ask. As of now, only fitbit supports it. It would be really cool if you supported it. You can see the new “wellness” tab at google assistant’s settings to the bottom.

I would bet Google Fit may support this soon? We integrate with Fit so this should work out of box than…

This may be a little difficult for us to implement as the app is offline, maybe with the SleepCloud add-on it could work…

Thanks for replying. You are right, google fit should support this. They got a new sleep tab recently in the app as well.
I say if it’s easy then go with the sleepcloud solution, but first wait for Fit a couple of days. Appreciate your work.

Exactly Google Fit improved sleep data immensively in the latest … they are no showing sleep stages and also proper durations… so I hope they will introduce this soon…

They are showing stages now. I avoid the “phantom graphs” problem by using the little “Health Sync” app, which takes from Samsung Health and puts your data on night sleep only (except for naps tracked by SaA) and sends the data to Google Fit. Pebble Sleep is crazy aggressive! You can’t recline or meditate without it thinking you’re asleep. I generally work in a semi-reclined position for my back, so the bad data would go up to Google Fit. But Health Sync gets around that by grabbing it from Samsung Health. And then it creates it’s own graph!!!

Marvelous! (Please ignore the odd hours. I do photo editing at night. Late at night.)

Click on the pic.

And that’s how Google Fit works now. I use 3 apps to do it, but I don’t have to DO anything. It just works. I highly recommend Health Sync, especially if a wearable likes to do it’s own thing while SaA is doing it’s accurate thing. On the same wearable! Weird. But so is my sleep.

I hope people are cheered by Google Fit’s tremendous upgrade in presenting sleep data! :+1::100:

But, it would be easier if you guys could send your data UP to Google Fit and not download anything it finds there if we so choose, that would be awesome. No more “phantom graphs” then!


Google Fit is now an option under Wellness. In theory it should work, but I get a response “Sorry, I can’t do that with google fit on this device”.

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