Garmin Instinct 2 - Huge battery drain

I’m using SAA almost 10 years. Recently I bought Garmin Instinct 2.

I’ve installed all the apps, looking forward to happy sleep tracking,
but I have an issue.
Drain on the watch battery is huge !

One night of tracking is more than 35% battery drain.
Considering, that this is equal to one week of using the watch, it is quite a big deal.

Is there something I can do ? Sending logs or something ?

In the mean time, I figured out steps to lower battery drain.

The fix is to start SAA from watch. Not from the phone.

When I start SAA from watch. SAA on the phone is usually automatically launched
and Sleep Tracking is activated.

Sometimes launch from Watch is not detected.

Using these steps battery drain is usually around 10% per night.

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Same experience with the Instinct 2X (Sept 2023)

Unfortunately same situation with last firmware on Instinct 2 and last SaA. Every night ≈30-35% without tracking SpO2.

Install Garmin Alternative addon. It works directly with the watch without Connect IQ app and use less battery drain

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Thank you! Works great with this addon (2-3% per night)

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I don’t get it. What do you mean by alternative add on?

Can you clarify this? What is garmin alternative addon?

3rd party addon in SAA add-ons list

Do you mean ?
I have this GPlay add-on on the phone and IQ Connect App on the watch.

Or you meant, that I should uninstall “Garmin Connect IQ App”
and use only Garmin Add-on for Sleep app from Google Play?

So only GPlay addon and no Connect IQ.

Hello @hopp, did you finally manage to find a solution?

Has the 3rd party add on worked for you?

Hi @Simone_Mazzoni ,
to be honest, I still don’t know what “3rd party” add-on was Den speaking about.

My battery drain is about 18% to 25% by night.
I don’t do many days off-grid trips or something, so I can live with it.
It’s far from ideal, but I don’t have anything better.

Think he meant this thing. It’s in the wearable list on the SAA app. Havent tried it yet. It redirects you to google play app called “Garmin sleep advanced” which has all the steps of how to use it.

After you download the Garmin sleep advanced (as Margidan said), you can watch the video below to complete the setup: