From SAA to Garmin Connect

Is there a way to sync sleep data from sleep as android to Garmin connect?
Thank you

Hi @matteochiochetta, we do not have a direct integration with the Connect app, but you can use Health Connect to sync all kinds of data across many platforms.

Thank you for replying.
I’m trying with health connect on my Samsung galaxy phone but I don’t understand how to use health connect, it doesn’t show up as an app.
Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you

Yes, this is very frustrating… the only way to open the Health Connect app is via Play Store, Settings > Apps, or the Quick Settings panel. HC is still in BETA, I hope they will reconsider this before going to the normal release.

I found it, thanks!
By the way I see SAA on it but Garmin Connect doesn’t show up and in the Garmin app, HC doesn’t show up either.
It looks like the Garmin doesn’t want to sync with the rest of the world.
Or am I wrong?
Thanks, again.

Oh, you are right. That is very strange…
The only supported sync app for Garmin seems to be Health Sync.