Ease of choosing sensor type: per alarm or per state (nap or sleep)

From Ayal Furman on 2018/01/24 14:32:41 +0000

Sensor thoughts…
I’m not sleeping every time at the same place. Also, not every sleep is a long night sleep.
Sometimes I use the acceleration sensor (like when taking a nap on the couch, or when there is apermanent noisy environment) and some times I use the sonar (for a long night sleep for example).
The trouble is getting every time to the settings. Changing the sensor every time is frustrating.
An option to choose sensor per alarm or sleep type (nap vs.sleep) would be a great addition.

Copied from original feature request: http://urbandroid.uservoice.com/forums/264867-sleep-as-android/suggestions/33061576-ease-of-choosing-sensor-type-per-alarm-or-per-st