Chronotype, Social jetlag, Sleep irregularity - Sleep as Android

To get maximum of your sleep time, it is crucial to sleep regularly – go to sleep at the same time every day and sleep for a fixed period of time.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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I happen to work Monday to Friday as well, but not everyone does. Would be great if the comparison could be work day to free day vs weekday to week end day by allowing to enter what days are work days.


I completely agree with you. I really looking forward for this feature


It works. I had worked odd days off from 4×10 work weeks to 5×8 weeks with no normal “weekends” until 90 days ago, except when I had training for work sprinkled in there.

Also agreed! As a home office worker and an outdoor enthusiast I tend to sleep less on weeken than weekdays when the weather is good.
Would be nice to be able to choose take pattern of your days working/off and add an easy button to say “I’m off today”

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Yeah I really would like to see if they could expand the way they track our sleep naps and broken sleep perhaps even truly known by breath and pulse rate I’m not sure how it works I thought it was just by movement and sound

In the current economy there are so many people who do not work 9 to 5; I’ve been doing shift work for 6+ years now. Rotating night, morning and late shifts with long weekends. Apps like this could be a conscious support for people exactly like that, rather than just “spamming” them with “your sleep is irregular, did you know that’s bad”.

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Word up, buddy. Let’s not chrono-homogenize. Social jetlag is what we should strive to experience.

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First time logging in and posting.
24 years as a person with an irregular job schedule (Wildland Fire) and an avid user of this app since it set foot on scene; I have to give this company props for trying to please everyone. All I have to say is, don’t brake a good thing. To the company I still just need the original features, they work just fine. To those of you confused between AM & PM learn the 24hr clock. And those that think that they need all the stats to make life better just take a brake (from stats) it will buy you more in life believe me I live in a world of stats. Breath.

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I think it would be the best if they use the fact we set an alarm clock.
I mostly work from Monday to Thursday, but I sometimes work on weekends, which they could see by the alarm clock.
I don’t set an alarm when I don’t work

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I know it’s been a while since this topic was commented on, but I’d love to tell the app my work rota. I’m a night worker with occasional day shifts. To see if it’s a night shift, sleep day, day off or day shift on the graph would be useful.

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I’d also like to ask for shift support. I work 2 day shifts followed by 2 night shifts, so none of the regularity and social jet lag stuff applies correctly to me. Would be great if we had the option to set our shift rota for automatic alarms and to help the app understand my sleeping habits better.
The Fire Shifts calendar app has a great selection of shift rotations to choose from, as an example of how to do it properly.

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Yes I agree. I’m a bartender and my off days are definitely not Friday and Saturday. When I found out that the app looks at work days and off days I tried to find out how they knew, then I find this article. I know I’m a night owl but sleep as Android says I’m a morning lark because I work days. It also mentioned fighting your natural chronotype on your work days and reverting back on your off days so I guess it knows my off days by me waking up at 9 instead of 7.


Hi! I work evenings and irregular days. I am a night owl 5. I sleep as long as I can on free days (because I’ve been up late.) This is how I see it:
This app has helped me understand that my irregularity is bad for me. I track my progresses even if they are small and I try to find ways to be more regular.
I can’t do much about my work hours but I can try to change my sleep on free days. This app shows me where the problems are.
I don’t want to adjust the app so that my work hours don’t seem to cause irregularities, because they do.
It would be nice if night owls could be working late always (but then I would like some sun in the nights…).
The problem with irregular sleep is there, even if we should adjust the app…

For all the people wanting this function, you seem to be missing the point. The whole point is that sleep regularity is regularly sleeping at the same time each day, and if you cannot do that due to work, that means you are sleeping irregularly. The index shows you that your sleep is irregular. Your body does not react to sleep irregularity differently whether it is caused by work or hedonism or anything else. Sleep regularity = sleeping regularly. The index function is working as it is intended to and does not need to be changed or adjusted. The only way to “improve” your sleep regularity index is to… Sleep regularly.

PS I do agree that you should be able to customise the icons and have more control over the data presentation - I worked graveyard shifts and my graphs were so hard to look at, split in half.

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Why didn’t you just change the “Sleep day cutoff” option?
Or perhaps this is the first time you hear about it—in that case, I highly recommend you check this setting out. If I recall correctly, adjusting this setting modifies the data representation of old records too, so that they can be displayed correctly according to your sleep patterns. :slight_smile:

I have mine set at 16 (i.e. 4 PM), because the default settings didn’t make sense at all for me—and in my case, 16:00 isn’t likely at all to split up any considerable percentage of my sleep recordings between different days regardless of how I mess up my circardian rhythm.

In the current iteration of the app’s design, this setting can be found in: Personalize > Stats.

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Except some if us use an alarm everyday for different things and different reasons. I have mine set for 7am everyday to take my meds.

Agreed. I used to work a 9-5 M-F, but 11pm to 7an on weekends. Diversity like that probably make sit harder to figure out how to make everyone happy with this.

I have narcolepsy and tend to be a night owl as well. I had to decide how to best use this feature. I fiddled with it until I figured out what time was best for me waking up so the “night” ends and a new day begins at 4am.