CAPTCHA - Sleep as Android

Gives you a task to solve in order to turn off the alarm.

CAPTCHAs make sure you wake up on time and don’t be late for your daily duties. CAPTCHAs prevent any unintentional alarm dismiss.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


I can’t seem to install this app at all.

It says it’s installed but I can’t find it on my device at all, like the icon will appear as it’s downloading but just as the download finishes the icon disappears and the app completely disappears and there’s no trace of it on my device.

Any idea how I can fix this?

All the best,


Hi @Beau_Minnis,
the CAPTCHA is not a stand-alone app, it is an extension of Sleep app. It does not have an icon.
Does it mean you do not see any new tasks in the list of CAPTCHA in the Sleep as Android > Settings > Alarms > CAPTCHA?
The tasks from the addon are:
Multi Captcha
Mirror text
Jumping sheep
Zombie Walk
Let there be light
Fun with Flags
Spin around

Do you have them in the selection?