Cannot install app on Wear OS device - Sleep as Android

If you come from Wear OS 1.0, please note that Wear OS 2.0 changed the way apps get installed on the watch, you now need to install them manually using Play Store on the watch.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I had sleep installd om my Suunto 7. To be abel to help afriend install it I uninstald it on My Suunto. Now when I try toninstall it again it dident work. It starts to install butt nothing happens. What du I DO to fix this??

Best regards Magnus.

Hello Magnus,
If you open the Play Store app on the watch, the first option in the list is “Apps on your phone”.
As long as the main Sleep app is installed on the connected phone, you should find the companion app in this “Apps on your phone” category.
Please contact us at for further assistance and help.

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