Better extras for the "alarm state change" intent


I’m currently trying to automate enabling and disabling my Sleep alarms. I was glad to see the content provider and intent APIs were documented. However, the parameters for the “alarm state change” intent were pretty disappointing.

Could you make it so that we can pass something other than a “label” to filter the alarm? Something as simple as the time of the alarm (same rule, only one changed, no guarantee which), or even the ID of said alarm which I seem to be able to get with the _id column of the content provider.

Best regards

Reply from Petr @ UrbanDroid (to avoid duplicate feature requests):

Hello Cyxo,

I’m adding an option to enbale / disable alarm s by ID extra:“alarm_id”…

This is available in te next BETA and in the APK from our webiste at:

Please let me know if this works well for you.

Many thanks,


I tested it and it works well!