Auto Sleep Tracking not working for me ATM

I have tested the new Auto Sleep Tracking for two nights.

First night with MiBand and Tools to track activity and HR, second night with Sleep Phaser to track activity and Breath Monitor.

On both nights the sleep tracking started way early, probably because I did lay down in bed, but I read for almost an hour.
Also on both nights, the bluetooth connectivity failed, and I had no activity tracking, no HR, nor Breath monitoring.

I will keep on manual for now, as without any extra monitoring, SaA is almost like just any other alarm app.
My advice to the devs would be to concentrate on the connectivity, and not functionality like Auto Sleep Tracking. The latter is somewhat fancy, but hardly neccessary, and way below connectivity as priority.

Big thanks for the findings!
We’ll take a look at this. It is puzzling that it would work when doing manual tracking, and wouldn’t when using auto tracking. The code that is used to connect to the bluetooth devices is 100% same.

Hi Jiri,

I’m replying later than I wanted, just too busy.
For the past year, I have always switched on Bluetooth manually before starting Sleep Tracking, also manually. In the past the auto Bluetooth wasn’t reliable and it is the same when auto-starting sleep tracking.

When I switch BT on manually, the monitoring is just about always ok.

I have seen three or four updates, so I will try the autostart function again this weekend as I don’t have to rely as much on the alarms during the weekend. Will let you know here if it is improved or not.

I have found that since I started using auto sleep tracking, it always, always starts at 20:30. It has never changed start time or attempted to figure out that actually, the phone is still being used. I have an alarm set for 05:30 with 30 minutes smart detection. I use sonar for tracking and even that has been affected, most nights is just a flat line.
And sonar tracking definitely starts without being plugged into charge.