Gentle volume increase up to a certain level

@Regina this sounds to be more like a feature for the lullabies to me, something like activating lullabies during snooze or similar - although this is just an initial though and I’m not sure how that would work

Regarding volume control buttons. The reason why we do not allow adjusting volume with them during gentle volume increase is the huge user group around sleepyheads, please who have real troubles waking up. This would basically made CAPCTHA use-less as instead of solving CAPTCHA you would simply volume down the alarm and get back to sleep…

So again this is possible if you disable gentle volume increase or if you use the new 30s option but not with the default option you can use the volume buttons as you wish …

I still don’t understand why you guys just make it an optional feature with a warning.

This refusal to add a simple feature is the sole reason I don’t use this alarm app anymore and it’s so stupid since it has so much potential compared to the other generic alarm apps.

This is literally the only thing keeping this alarm app from taking number 1 easily.

I don’t care if I have to sign an agreement to say " I am viable for setting my alarm up wrong" or even have to pay extra for a seperate version of this app with this feature. Just. Add. The. Option. There is no reason not to!!! All I see are excuses year after year. Maybe make some complicated cheatcode we have to put in to activate the setting - you can still please the people who for some reason blame you guys when they are the ones who set their alarm wrong. That’s the point of options. CUSTOMISATION. blah blah I’m just ranting now. I just can’t believe it’s been years and this simple issue hasn’t been resolved… or maybe it has and in that case I’ll reinstall after all these years and get some good sleep!

Edit: Just reinstalled to see the 30 second option available with max volume adjustment… IF YOU HAVE THE 30 SECOND VERSION UP AND RUNNING JUST MAKE THE OTHER TIMES AVAILABLE AS WELL??? This is completely illogical. My head hurts.


While you’re at it, why don’t you disable max brightness for the hue lamps too :clown_face:. Your same arguments count for that one too, but you didn’t seem to remove that option. Also I’m sure people won’t complain if you make it optional only if you enable gradual volume increase.