Better snoring detection

From Robert Fletcher on 2015/08/25 05:31:40 +0000

When I go over my sound recordings from the night before, there is a lot of snoring, but rarely is it actually tagged as such. It would be great if the accuracy of snoring detection could be increased so the anti snoring feature would be more useful. As is, I’ve actually heard it more when I’m rustling around in bed before sleep or talking to my wife, and only woken up to it once or twice when I have actually been snoring.

Copied from original feature request:

From Éric on 2017/11/21 17:29:25 +0000

Hi all, using SaA for a week or so, I've noticed that it does record my bed cracking as snoring … should I send the bed cracking (me moving during the night, therefore being interpretated as light sleep ?) to this email ?
Thks ! Éric

From Petr Nálevka on 2016/06/13 13:48:21 +0000

+Sanda… we already have that implemented, but please note that percentage is the noise level in general in your room, but we measure snoring in minutes, whenever you tag a noise #snore we add those minutes…

From Sanda on 2016/06/13 13:45:12 +0000

A fix i thought about is to adjust the snoring percent when we tag or delete the tag on recordings.

From Angelina on 2016/01/22 14:44:11 +0000

A way to detect between my snoring and my husband snoring would be great! Right now it seems his snoring is louder than mine but if it could somehow let me know of only my snoring. Maybe I should get him a watch too so it will stop his snoring :slight_smile:

From Petr Nálevka on 2015/11/14 14:18:49 +0000

Many tanks that would be great, we are collecting new samples all the time and after a while we always do a new machine learning round before we implement this into the app…

From Paddy Landau on 2015/11/13 17:43:57 +0000

I have the same problem. Hardly any of my snoring is detected.

I shall save up my recordings for a week or two, and send them to you (via a link).

From Petr Nálevka on 2015/10/16 10:53:43 +0000

@Pawel, what about dropbox or similar and a link on my email Would that work?

From Paweł Polewicz on 2015/10/11 11:18:25 +0000

How do we share the samples with you?

Agree with the other users in this thread!

When I listen to the sound recordings, there is a lot of snoring, but quite a few is tagged as “snoring”.
What’s more - and strange - in the sound recordings:

  1. Many cases the sound level of the undetected snoring is actually quite high! Why is NO anti-snoring alarm if the sound level is high? And it’s very audible snoring.
  2. The application DOES start the anti snoring sound and vibration in cases when there is no snoring and just a silent breath sound! Why?
  3. I usually then listen and manually tag the recordings with the “snoring” tag.
    Does this manual tag help the application? What happens with the manual tagging? Besides, the app shows more percentage of snoring at the graphs.

Thanks for the answer in advance!

Hi Jiri,

Is there an update on any of these points? I still have these issues, SAA doesn’t detect quite obvious snoring sounds and detects breathing as snoring. How about us, users tagging “snoring” in the recordings? Should we upload these sounds somewhere? I’m curious about your answers.

Thanks, best regards and happy Xmas! :slight_smile:


Hi Jiri,

Any news about the snoring detection function? I sent some snoring recordings to Do you use/process these recordings that users send here?

Many thanks!

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I am a bit disappointed about the snoring wake up functionality. There must be 2 cases: breathing through mouth and breathing through nose. The most terrible sound is produced from nose, and that “snoring” from mouth is kinda a light snoring. You can measure them in decibels. So, I think, there should be an option to set the decibel level for the snoring detection.
There’s also a bug in snoring notification, the same with lucid dreaming notifications. The app notifies you with a sound even you are awake, and using the phone!!! I have even recordings of anti-snorring sounds, so you record own sounds as my sounds.
P.S. If you guys want to stop snoring that wake up function sometimes doesn’t work. Perhaps, depends on the paradox phase of sleep when you just do not hear it. I have purchased anti-snorring watch from AliExpress, and it does work. You get an electricity shock during your snoring. I personally didn’t feel it while asleep but snoring rate was reduced. And if some day we could integrate such watches it would be perfect. Anyway, it’s the future, no such watches yet with BT support.
P.S.S. Snoring sound is produced from belly (aka how is developed your diafragma). Women and men breath differently, and the dominant breathing for men is abdomen. I checked that through my inter-relaxation phase, when I was snoring and still was in sleep. Then moving abdomen produced more snoring sound through nose. So, snoring detection should rely on data based on each sex.

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Hi, not always is the sound level the only difference for breathing through the mouth vs nose.

The snoring detection is paused for awake periods. If you are using the phone actively, and the snoring is triggered, please, use the Left ≡ menu → (?) Support → Report a bug. What is your configured sensitivity level for phone usage awake type?

Does the Wearable from AliExpress provide an open API for the integration?

Snoring sound is produced by the vibrations in the areas of the soft palate, the tongue and the nasal cavity. Do you have any research on the topic of sound produced from the belly and its relation to sex? Would you please share the link, so we can get more information on this?

Thanks for the instructions how to report a bug immediately. I am not sure if I supply the right settings but I attached them here

My watch is not from AliExpress, it’s TicWatch E3 with WearOS 3
I do not have any links regarding how snoring is produced. I used my state of controlling consciousness.: it means I was in a sleep, my body was relaxed, I heard my own snoring and played with my own body because I knew the idea about different breathing types in men and women. Example:

You can find the rest in Copilot:
Sex-related differences in respiratory function play a role in how men and women breathe, even during sleep. Let’s explore this further:

Anatomical Differences:
Female fetuses exhibit lower specific airway resistance than males during the last weeks of gestation.
After birth, female neonates tend to have higher flow rates and specific airway conductance than males.
Men have larger nasal cavities and higher nasal floors, affecting upper airway morphology.
Male average skeletal cranial airways are larger, impacting overall airway dimensions.
Men have larger cross-sectional areas in the pharynx.
Changes in laryngeal area with lung volume variations are larger in males.
Neck circumference (a surrogate for pharyngeal soft tissue volume) is larger in men.
Men have higher fat deposition at the level of the palate, affecting airway compliance.
Respiratory Function During Sleep:
Women with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have less frequent obstructive respiratory events (lower apnea and hypopnea index) than BMI-matched male OSA patients.
Events are more frequent during REM sleep in women with OSA.
Variations in sleep architecture and respiratory events can lead to underdiagnosis of OSA in women.
Clinical Implications:
The clinical presentation of OSA differs between men and women.
Variations in sleep architecture and respiratory events may lead to misdiagnoses and misclassification of disease burden in women.
The gender gap narrows with increasing age12.
In summary, while both men and women can practice abdominal breathing, sex-related differences in respiratory function exist and can impact sleep-related conditions

Hi RolandasR!

Which is this anti-snoring watch model?